Hold Box
We know shipping costs can be a drag... We are happy to offer our customers a HOLD BOX.
We update our site weekly with pre-orders, key issues, slabs, exclusives and more! If you want to save some money on shipping costs, we will keep your books safe in a hold box until you are ready to ship out.
If you are a customer of our Facebook Live Auction, we are happy to group your auction purchases with any items that you would like to purchase on the website and ship out when you are ready.
When you check out with your books, select "HOLD - DO NOT SHIP" for your shipping option.
When you are ready to ship out your orders, please message us using the CHAT feature embedded in the webpage.
Once we receive your request, we will send you an invoice to pay for your shipping costs within 48hrs. Once shipping costs are paid, we will package up and ship your books out to you!
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us!